Sunday, October 7

End Hiatus

I didn't really do much over the summer. Most of my days I got up, showered, and remained in front of the TV and watched X-Play until dinner. Yeah. In my defense, I really needed a break after last semester, and they don't have G4 in Oklahoma, so I was trying to get my fix. That also led to an epic hunt for We heart Katamari, but alas, it is not to be found. I did manage to get some crafting done though. I got the top of my toad quilt cut out and ironed, and made a Styracosaurus quilted postcard for a contest at my mom's favorite quilt store. My mom got 2nd place for her cute cricket one. The first place winner was a paper-pieced iris in some pretty ugly fabrics. I was not impressed at all. No pictures of the quilty stuff though.

Very very belated pics of what I sent for the I heart the Library Swap on Craftster:

Luna Moth Shawl in LB Microspun. A bit of a hellish knit. I'd never done lace before and something went HORRIBLY wrong in the last repeat and it took me days to fix it. Neat construction though.

Fiver (from Watership Down) stuffie. From a very old pattern.

Simple book tote made with some really awesome fabric I got on clearance at Joann's. I'm also very proud of my seams.

Things completed since August:

Socks! I whipped out the first one early in the summer, but then fell into the second sock slump. I don't think I'll make another pair for awhile. Regia 4 color Bamboo. They feel yummy.

Quickie stencil. Technically 3 layers, but it's so simple it really doesn't count. It's from this video for Bright Eyes' "Soul Singer in a Session Band." I wanted to do the doves in bombs across the chest, but I figured that would be better done with screenprinting and it looked funky on my boobs.

Mr. Fred Jones the sock monkey, after the Ben Fold Five songs. He ended up looking less sad than I hoped. But that is monkeys for you.

Cat warming gifts for my best friend. Kitty sling lined with soft fur, some felted toys with jingle bells and catnip, and a silly card.

The sling modeled with the help of my Nabaztag/tag, WinnifredPHastings, or Winnie for short.

Progress on my Cherie Amour from Knitty. The yarn is Moda Dea Tweedle Dee in Cinnamon Twist, and I love the colors. They're a bit richer than in the picture. I wasn't too sure at first, but my mom thought it would be pretty and she was right.

And finally, the most exciting craft find of my life! Meet Estelle, my antique spinning wheel. I got her at an old farmhouse turned antique store behind my grandparents' house in Waukesha, Wisconsin. We had her Fed-Exed to Dallas, and it was a little scary. The box looked like it'd been through hell and back. Amazingly, Estelle was still in one piece. I think anyway. The wheel isn't sitting just right, but since I can't have her until Christmas I haven't been able to figure out why. Expect to hear lots and lots about our spinning adventures together next year.

I really love the footman. She's had some love.

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