Wednesday, October 24

Sweater Woes

Damn you, Zimmermann! Would it have killed you to give finished sizes for your patterns?

Two weeks ago I started Baby Surprise Jacket #1. I got a little past the end of the decreases so I could estimate the finished chest, and it looked way too big. I checked my gauge, and it had grown in my switch from straights to circs. Well, poo. Normally this would not be an issue with baby things, but as they live in Texas, there's a very small window for jackets. So I frogged and went down a needle size, and for once in my life I got the gauge of 6 sts/in, which makes "a fine present for a newborn, and will grow with the baby" spot on. Still very concerned about the size, I found a handy little sheet that gave all the measurements for baby and toddler clothing. It said newborn to 3 months was a 16" chest. Okay then. Since then I've been knitting between classes and in those strange hours when it's too late to go to bed, but there's still time before I have to get ready. (Lately I have been primarily fueled by Red Bull, Snickers, and Famous Amos cookies.) As of this morning I'm up to picking up stitches and working the button band. The chest measurement comes out to 15". A tad small, but it's quite stretchy so I'll be ok.

In tiny print over to the side of the clothing measurement chart, it says that these are the body measurements, not the finished garment. It should be 18-20" around. This sweater isn't going to stretch that much. Now, normally I would just frog the thing again and knit like mad, but they are for twins, and I haven't even started the second one yet. The babies are due November 1, and I'd really like to have them done by this Saturday as I will be in Texas then.


Maybe I'll just start the second one on the larger needles and see how it compares. Stupid me, I didn't write down the measurement I got the first time.

I've also got to go to the bank, class, and work (I got a job as a seamstress) today, and write a film analysis paper. Joy.

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