Monday, June 11

Attack of the Socks

I have been crafting, I promise you. My swap package has not arrived in Canada yet, so no pictures. Rogue is thisclose to blocking, but my fingers, along with the rest of my body, seem to have crapped out on me during the re-shaping of a sleeve cap. I can't sleep properly when Brandon is so far away. He's also leaving for Germany on Thursday, so I'm sure that won't help. It's hard to get serious crafting done when you are constantly exhausted.

I do however, have enough energy to dream about future projects. The summer Knitty went up today, and there are 4 sock patterns. The last 3 issues have also had 4 sock patterns, and last summer's issue had 7. As it was an extremities issue, socks are to be expected, but a think socks being a third of the issue is a bit much. I suppose I can't really talk as I have yet to knit socks (I have crocheted them, and knit little sock-let things to protect my feet from the wrath of flip flop straps), but to me it seems as if they are not all that difficult, and I don't think swapping out one lace pattern with another warrants a spot in one of the most popular knitting magazines/ websites. I've had it with socks and ridiculously stupid things like wings and wigs.

Is it just me, or does the whole crafting world seem to be going downhill?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.