Thursday, May 29

Craftster Challenge #28, Days 1 and 2

This month's challenge is to recraft an old chair. Now, one thing I am not lacking is old chairs, especially since standard precedure in my area is to leave things by the curb, and someone will take them home. The only thing that keeps me from bringing everything I see home is that I drive a small sedan, though I did comtemplate strapping a glorious bright orange 70's recliner to my roof. Sadly, I did not have anything to strap it with.

To the point, my chosen chair for this project was found by one of my former roommates about a year ago, and she let me have it when we all moved out.

It was a little dirty, missing part of leg, and had a few small tears, but otherwise wasn't in bad shape, which is good news. The bones are great, and I don't have to redo the padding.

After about 5 hours of work, I had the back off. Someone was liberal with the staples.

I'm also happy to report, there was only one minor injury (screwdriver and staple to the thumb), which is healing nicely and I didn't bleed on the chair.

On Day 2, after 4 more hours of work, the whole chair was naked.

Excessive stapling? No...

Some of the staples and the evil metal teeth that amazining, I did not injur myself on.

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